I sure hope she approves of them.....cuz heaven knows how OPINIONATED today's teenagers are about ......EVERYTHING! Especially teenage girls!!! I speak from first hand experience.
My dearest, darling daughter became one this past summer, and holds nothing back when expressing her opinion on any and everything.
I refer to this as that 'movie thingy', but upon doing a google search learned that it is called a clapboard or clapper. Who knew?? Thank you google!!
In the pre-tech days, one always noticed that these clapper things were written upon with chalk. I assume for ease of erasing and rewriting. Now, they're digital. I was going for the 'retro' look here, and used Wilton's white icing color painted on with a small paintbrush. It provided the effect I was looking for, but still remained tacky after a day of drying. In the future, I'll be sure to try a white gel paste instead in hopes that it will dry

Happy 13th Birthday, Ryonza!